The tuition fee is to be paid for 12 months and will have to deposited at the PNB Sidhpur on the prescribed dates. Fees and other dues are liable to be revised any time. There will be readmission in classes I, V, VIII
The security amount (less school dues if any) will become refundable on application within three months of the student finally leaving this institution.
Students who have not paid the tuition fee and other dues before the examination will not be allowed to sit for the final examinations.
For other details concerning fees please see the fee book
Note: If so desired, fees for the whole year may be deposited in February Each Year.
Withdrawals Forms for withdrawal are available in the school office on payment of Rs. 150/- A minimum of one week’s notice is to be given for the issue of transfer certificate. All dues (including the tuition fees for the bi months or quarter) must be cleared before the TC can be obtained.